Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Short Tidbits

  • Work has definitely picked up in the last two weeks. I'm still a clueless rookie compared to the other design guys here at Stamler, but I'm managing two projects requiring document submittals to our customers six months before the machines are ever built, and I'm riding shotgun with one of the other new designers on a couple of machines that are similar to each other. On top of that, our IT guy installed a new server this weekend which frees up space for the rather crude (at least compared to a similar application built in Access or another database program) but working system I designed to take out part numbers electronically. It's been a couple of months since I designed the system in Excel, so I've got to remember how it works and go through the part number books we currently use to update my program with the numbers that have already been taken out.
  • The knee is better than it was (I'm up to 3 degrees of extension versus the 6 degrees of bend I started with), but the therapist thinks there's still something in the knee keeping it from going back to normal. I've got an appointment next Tuesday with an orthopedist to see what she thinks.
  • I'm working with a new computer at home. The upsides are a faster processor, a lot more memory, and enough new games to last me for a year and a half. The downside is that my old computer conveniently stopped working before I could get everything transferred over. Thus, I've lost ALL of my e-mail addresses. If you're reading this and you know me, e-mail me.


At Thu Jul 14, 04:01:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

first i must say... Punk. I didn't know you'd started a blog! Hope I'm at least entertaining, and having my public catharthis. :)

At Fri Jul 15, 12:07:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with Adrianne. I didn't even knew you had a freaking blog. I had to find out from a friend of a friend of a friend. I hope I can live up to your high standards. Take care.

At Fri Jul 15, 04:16:00 PM EDT, Blogger Ted D. said...

I'm brand new to blogging kids. I didn't exactly advertise it, since I wasn't sure it would be worth reading by anyone other than me, and I wasn't sure I'd stick with it when I started it a month ago. I'm glad you're interested enough to check in, though.

So far I've found that reading your blogs and writing my own is definitely more fun than working! :)


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